Mark Shapland

1518 days ago

Game Set and (almost) match to Muddy Waters after diabolical after hours fess up from FTSE 100 member NMC

Natch the bad news came after hours, at no-one is watching O’clock. With journalist smearing FTI Consulting doing the PR turd polishing what else would you expect?  My pal Carson Block of Muddy Waters whose dossier first exposed the cesspit at NMC on 17 December 2019 HERE noted “At this point, the company’s announcements speak for themselves and seem to be even more damning than our initial report was.” Indeed. Well let’s start with the apologies

To ShareSoc and Mark Shapland at the Evening Standard and other deadwood press hacks too terrified or so beholden to FTI 


1671 days ago

Do Mark Shapland and the Evening Standard know what an exclusive is?

Saddo ninth rate hack Mark Shapland of a local paper in England, the Evening Standard, has just retweeted the tweet below claiming he has an “exclusive”. Does this fucktard know what an exclusive is? It is not a story that appeared elsewhere the day before.


1704 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Wasting 20 minutes of my life trying to help thicko journalist Mark Shapland

The Evening Standard man is not very bright and still does not understand the import of today’s Muddy Waters Burford (BUR). Look at the tweet exchange below. Would you believe I wasted 20 minutes of my life answering questions about the dossier from this ungrateful knobhead today?. It is not the first time I’ve helped him but with no grace to credit, it will be the last.  I also look at First Derivatives (FDP), discuss the very low grade lawyer’s letter I received today, look at ADM Energy (ADME) and at the comedy show that is Providence Resources (PVR)
